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How to create a great study space for kids & teens

a cozy study space

Learning and studying is a lifelong process that goes beyond the four walls of a classroom. It can help shape your future. And whatever you pick up, you will likely take with you for life. 

But before we go in too deep, kids and teens need a dedicated space where they can study and do their homework. It can be a safe space where they can freely pursue their interests. Here is how you can create such a productive space for them. 

Consider your child’s personality, study style, and other preferences

Setting up the right atmosphere can motivate your child to study and even retain the information for a longer period of time. Hence, it is important to take note of your child’s personality and preferences. Make it their space, not a generic study table.

Start with their favorite colors. Pick up learning supplies and miscellaneous decor in their favorite hues. Then, ask them what their hobbies, interests, and favorite subjects are. If your child loves science and possesses a natural curiosity for all things, deck out their study space with visually stimulating and, at the same time, informative posters.

Having books about their specific interests will also encourage them to learn more about these topics. It doesn’t matter if it’s astronomy, robotics, insects, or even sports. All these elements will make your child feel like it’s their space, their sanctuary. 

Pick the right spot

Usually, parents create study spaces in their kids’ respective bedrooms. While that may work for some, other children and teens might need a separate area for study. It is because some people view their bedrooms as their place for rest and relaxation.

The right study spot for your kid can be a spare room, down at the basement, or even at the attic if your house has one. But if your child is completely fine with studying in their bedroom, you don’t need to carve out a space in a different part of your home.

If your house doesn’t offer much space and, therefore, options, your kids’ bedroom might also be the last resort. To make the area more conducive to learning, put up a physical boundary that separates the bed and the study table. If you have a home office with some space to spare, you can also set up a study space for your kid there.

Make it comfortable

Studying and doing homework doesn’t need to be uncomfortable things to do. Having a cozy spot to do their homework and so some after-school reading will encourage your kid to keep at it. 

Get a table with just the right height, then a comfortable chair that complements its measurements. An ergonomic set-up will make for hours of comfortable studying and learning. More importantly, it can prevent lifelong stress injuries.

Lighting is also crucial. If the study area is nowhere near a window, make sure to get the right kind of lighting that will also help prevent eye strain. Another important factor is ventilation. Keep the study area cool or warm enough (depending on the season). 

Set up a study schedule with your child or teen

I’m sure you are familiar with the old saying that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” So, in that sense, it is important to create boundaries and set up a study schedule with your child or teen. This way, they will still have enough time aside for rest and relaxation, other hobbies, and recreational pursuits. 

Having set hours for homework and study will help keep your kid or teen focused. Keep it reasonable— an hour or two after school should be enough. After all, they already spent their entire day at school. For the weekends, negotiate study hours with your kid or teen.

Last but not the least, do not forget to set aside at least 15 minutes for breaks.

Do not disturb

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for parents to disturb their children while they’re doing something. So, with the study schedule and space set up, be sure to respect their study hours and their space. 

Do not suddenly barge into their rooms asking about things that are unrelated. Save it for later. If they have younger siblings, help keep them away to avoid any distractions. You can show your moral support and love by supplying your kid or teen with snacks and drinks as they study. 

With a safe and motivating environment for study, your kid or teen can go places. Browse our blog today for more tips on how you can improve your home and your quality of life. For more information about Atlanta real estate and homes for sale, get in touch with me at 404.550.5113 or Natalie(dotted)Gregory(at)Compass(dotted)com.

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